


  1. 关于未来职业的英语作文10句?
  2. 写一篇你将来想从事的职业(英语作文)80词以上?
  3. 写一篇关于家长和学生对选择职业生涯不同的观点的英语作文?


i want to become a doctor,but i also want to become a teacher,sometimes i want to be a pig at the same time i want to be a cat,i want to become a superman,i want to become a spaceman,i want to be a richman rather than become a poorman,i want to build a big company,i want to become a volunteer,i want to found a bank and i can get much money.my dreams are changing


I h***e a wonderful dream that I'll be a good doctor when I grew up !


Why I choose this job

Firstly,there are many patients for some reasens,if I'm a good doctor,I can drive away the illness from the patients and bring h***iness to them with my skills and knowledge !

Secondly,I think this job is very practical !it can be a stable job with good reputation from people.


So in order to let my dream come true,I must try my best to study now !



Career is extremely important for everyone. Thus, both the parents and children place great importance on the career. However, there are always disagreement on what kind of career the child should take as between the parents and their child.


Firstly, parents usually tend to look for a much stabler job as the first choice for their child. On the opposite, most young people prefer to creat their own career.

Secondly, parents maybe want their child work in a govenment or bank department, whose welfare is much better than other private sectors. By contrast, a number of young people would like to challenge themselves.

In addition, I think young people want to choose their interested job as career. This may not comply with their parents' anticipation, either.


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